Category: High-intensity interval training

Want to work off the weekend bloat? Join us tonight…

Here’s to enjoying the weekend (I know I do). Alas, it’s Monday again and time to get back to clean eating and healthy (weekday) habits. Join us tonight for a one-hour, high-intensity workout that will leave you feeling energized and back on track (and feeling a little less guilty about those late night snacks). What: Burlington Body […]

Great outdoors. Great workout. Burlington Body Camp starts July 4!

Who: Burlington Body Camp What: An invigorating, challenging, full body workout…and NEVER do the same workout twice! Where: Sidrabene Camp (5100 Appleby Line) When: Mondays and Thursdays: 7/8 p.m Why: It’s fun (…and you’ll torch hundreds of calories per class)! Starts: July 4, 2016 Cost: $200 (2 sessions/week, 9 weeks) $100 (1 sessions/week, 9 weeks) Register online to […]

Your body learns very quickly how to handle and recover from the stress of a workout. The result? You’ll burn less calories and build less muscle. This is what’s known as “plateauing”. So what’s the solution you ask? In order to get the most out of your workouts (and the results you desire), you have to […]

Stay on track this holiday with Burlington Body Camp!

Next session starts December 14, 2015 What: High-intensity interval training! Where: Creative Edge Studio, 1160 Blair Road #11S Starts: December 14, 2015 (no classes on December 24 & 31) When: Mondays: 7/8 p.m Thursdays: 7/8 p.m Cost: $200 (2 sessions/week, 9 weeks) $100 (1 sessions/week, 9 weeks) Register online Questions? Contact us at: 905-464-2085

Burlington Body Camp Fall Session begins October 8, 2015

Fight routine fatigue with Burlington Body Camp, where you NEVER do the same workout twice! Our trainers lead groups through unique hour-long workouts of high-intensity circuits and strength-training exercises. Not only will you torch fat and calories, our workouts will boost caloric burn during AND after workouts. Where: Creative Edge Dance Studio 1160 Blair Rd. #11 When: Mondays: 7:30/8:30 p.m Thursdays: 7/8 p.m Cost: $200 (2 sessions/week) […]

Saturday Boot Camp – Next Session Begins August 1st! Register Online

“The Burlington Body Camp group fitness classes are the best classes I have ever attended” – Joanne Starts: Saturday, August 1st (to August 22) When: Saturdays at 10:30am to 11:30am Where: Ireland Park (enter at Folkway Drive) Cost: $40/month ($10/classes) or $15/class Click HERE to register Questions? or call Matt at 905-320-8260