Looking to get whipped into shape on a shoestring? In need of the personal attention and instruction synonymous with personal training? Join Burlington Body Camp – our next session begins tonight!

Each Burlington Body Camp session is designed and administrated by professional Personal Trainers Dan Edmunds and Matt Johnson. Even in a group setting, Dan and Matt give their boot camp devotes the same attention one would receive with an individualized workout. How? Variations on each exercise (from beginner to guru) are continually demonstrated and participants are closely monitored and encouraged to go at their own rate of speed, intensity, and ability.
What’s more, you have the added benefit of motivation from your peers.
Our program works and it’s cost effective. Try us tonight:
Starts: July 23, 2014
When: Mondays & Wednesdays, 7pm or 8pm
Where: Sidrebene Park (just north of Dundas on Alppleby)
Cost: $192 ($12/class) for 8 weeks/16 sessions + two FREE make-up classes ($96 for 8 weeks/8 sessions)