Category Archives: Protein

Think you can cook recipes with whey protein like it’s flour? Guess again. Learn the secrets!

Baking with Whey Protein Powder

4 rules to baking with whey protein powder

by Anna Sward,

There are four rules you must know to successfully cook with whey. Master them, and become master of the protein universe. You may use these rules to bake cakes as well but, for now, let’s stick to pancakes and muffins.

Never-NEVER-bake or panfry a batter that is more than ¼ whey. This is because, naturally, whey has a tendency to go dry, rubbery, and “cardboard-up” (if you allow me to paraphrase Steve Spurrier and coin that expression).

You have to offset this tendency. How? By making sure that the rest of your ingredients weigh it down and add enough moisture to counter the whey.

You must always use what I call a primary moisturizer. This can be cottage cheese, pumpkin puree, Greek yogurt, or a cooked sweet potato. It can also be fruits such as applesauce, apples, bananas or berries.

You always need to have a type of flour in your batter. This will combine with your whey and give volume to your final product.

My favorite flours to use are oats, coconut flour, almond flour, oat flour, amaranth flour, chickpea flour, buckwheat flour or quinoa flour. These are excellent gluten-free, high-protein, and high-fiber flours.

Always use a binding substance like egg whites, whole eggs or a combination of both.

By following the above rules, you’ll be able to make anything and everything with whey?from cakes and muffins to pancakes and breads!

The more you play with it, the more delicious variations of your protein favorites will result.

Add nuts, seeds, and any additional powders (e.g. cocoa, maca powder, lucuma powder), spices (e.g. cinnamon, cloves, ginger) and flavorings (e.g. vanilla essence, orange peel, almond essence) to your batter too.

The sky is the limit to what you can make once you understand the basics of whey protein cooking!

Experiment with your combinations. Find out what you like and don’t like. Combine lemon peel with poppy seeds, cinnamon with vanilla, cocoa with passion fruit!

Try exotic ingredients. Be creative with your flavorings and remember to always build on what you learn along the “whey.”

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HomeBodyFit Smoothie Recipe for Success

Here is a smoothie recipe that we share with our clients. It’s easy, relatively inexpensive and covers all the bases…and it’s delicious.

The HomeBodyFit Smoothie

The HomeBodyFit Smoothie Recipe

The HomeBodyFit Smoothie Recipe

  • Two teaspoons of Greek yogurt (unsweetened)
  • One teaspoon of unsweetened peanut or almond butter
  • A handful of spinach
  • One cup of frozen fruit (we like bananas or berries)
  • Top off with unsweetend vanilla or chocolate almond milk
  • On workout days, add one scoop of your favouite protien powder (we like whey isolate)

Mix in a mixer and adjust the amount of almond milk for the consistency you desire.

Enjoy any time of day on non-workout days or within 45 minutes post workout (in addition to a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner)

See our 3 Easy-To-Follow Rules for Lean Eating post for more tips on fat-loss eating.

Learn more about HomeBodyFit At-Home Personal and Couples training 

3 Easy-To-Follow Rules for Lean Eating

Eating lean doesn’t have to be complicated. But you do need to be smart about your choices. The following three rules are grounded in science…and they’re easy. You won’t even have to write them down.

Rule #1: Don’t deprive yourself. Eat to satisfy yourself.

Rule number #1: Don't deprive yourself . Start your day with a satisfying breakfast like whole wheat pancakes with added peanut butter and fresh fruit.

Rule number #1: Don’t deprive yourself . Start your day with a satisfying breakfast like whole wheat pancakes with added peanut butter and fresh fruit.

This may seem simple, but there’s a reason you’re hungry…it’s because you’re hungry!

We are always telling our clients, “Don’t let yourself be hungry!” Why? Depriving your body slows down the metabolism and triggers the body to store fat. You’re doing more harm to your get-lean-goal by “dieting”. Also, when you’re feeling deprived, you’re more likly to reach for foods that are easy and less nutritious.

Instead, don’t deprive your body, keep yourself satisfied. You’ll have the energy and motivation to complete your workouts; and if they’re high-intensity sessions, you’ll burn more calories while at rest. 

Here is the formula:

3 +1 = Fat loss

Eat 3 meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner…and eat large meals so that you’re satisfied. You shouldn’t be thinking about lunch an hour after breakfast. Try planning your meals ahead so that you’re not tempted to run to unhealthy fast food counters.

Enjoy 1 protein-rich snack. E.g. A protein shake made with Greek yogurt and bananas or frozen fruit. On workout days, add a scoop of your favourite protein powder and enjoy within 45 minutes following your session.

Rule 2: Eat more greens and eat them first!

Rule #2: Eat your greens first!

Rule #2: Eat greens first

Proven: Eating more vegetables at a given meal equals less total calories you will eat. One way to do this is to eat vegetables first. Make or order a small salad to enjoy prior to your meal. Or eat all of the vegetables BEFORE anything else on your plate.

Rule #3: Water water everywhere.

Rule# 3: Cut out the sugary drinks and replace with water and unsweetened tea.

Rule# 3: Cut out the sugary drinks and replace with water and unsweetened tea.

Cut out the sugar-sweetened drinks. They are the easiest obstacle to remove in your goal to get lean. Focus on drinking water and unsweetened tea. Try green tea which provides added fat-burning and cognitive-boosting benefits.

Your goal should be to drink half of your body weight in ounces of water (including tea) per day. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs, aim to consume 90 ounces of water and tea.

For more specific workout and meal plans, contact HomeBodyFit about our Online At-Home Training Programs